Sursc = lupin + hacker


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  1. He paid upfront.
  2. I got a new gig.
  3. I’m still on the fence.
  4. I’m on a tight budget.
  5. She’s the breadwinner.
  6. It was Bettle’s rip-off.
  7. My computer crashed.
  8. We had a working lunch.
  9. I felt very out of place.
  10. It was just passing fad.
  11. I have some reservations.(我保留意见)
  12. Actually, I am between jobs. (I’m unemployed.)
  13. We need to meet halfway. (妥协,compromise)
  14. Please keep me informed.
  15. Don’t be such a know-it-all.(自以为无所不知的人)
  16. You are behind on your rent.(behind=late)
  17. His Optimism is contagious.(他的乐观情绪有传染性的)
  18. He maxed out his credit card.(超过信用额度credit line)
  19. The company went belly up.(倒闭)
  20. You are better off not doing it.(更好)
